


bring home the bacon 意思難道不是『帶培根回家』嗎?

bread and butter

在許多西方國家,抹上奶油的麵包是幾乎每天都會食用的主食,這也是為什麼 bread and butter 衍伸的片語意思是「謀生的職業」、「主要收入的來源」,舉個例子:

She is a musician on weekends, but being a tutor is her bread and butter.(她在週末時是個音樂家,但家教是她謀生的職業。)

I work as a hairdresser in a small town, and the neighborhood is my bread and butter.(我在一個小鎮上擔任髮型設計師,街坊鄰居是我主要的收入來源。)

bring home the bacon

許多西方人也常食用培根,算是主要的蛋白質來源,那麼把這麼重要的食物帶回家 bring home the bacon 的衍伸意思就是「養家活口」,舉個例子:

My mother works hard every day to bring home the bacon.(我的母親每天認真工作以養家活口。)

These days, it is pretty common that both the husband and wife bring home the bacon.(現在,夫妻倆都有工作收入是相當普遍的。)

spice something up

料理美味的訣竅除了食材外,更在於調味、添加香料(spice),讓料理的味道變得更豐富、濃郁。而 spice 這個字衍伸出來的片語 spice something up 就是指「為⋯⋯增添趣味」,舉個例子:

Jimmy loves to spice his lessons up by telling some silly jokes or stories.(Jimmy 喜歡在上課時講一些愚蠢的笑話或故事來增添趣味。)

另外,當名詞時 spice 也有「額外的刺激、趣味」的意思,舉例來說:

The juicy gossip added a little spice to the mundane office life.(這精彩的八卦為單調的辦公室生活增加了一點樂趣。)

put all your eggs in one basket

不論在東西方,雞蛋都是相當重要的營養來源。如果把這麼重要又脆弱的食物全都放在一個籃子裡,不小心摔破後豈不是損失慘重?所以 put all your eggs in one basket 衍伸的片語意思就是「孤注一擲」、「將所有資源、希望集中在一個地方」,舉個例子:

I've applied to several companies because I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket.(我應徵了許多間公司,因為我不想把所有希望都賭在某一間公司。)

Don't focus on a single stock; it is not wise to put all your eggs in one basket.(別只關注單一股票;孤注一擲並不明智。)

someone's cup of tea

看了這麼多食物的諺語後,是不是該來一杯茶呢?在英文裡,someone's cup of tea 的片語意思是「某人的偏好、喜好」,常常會用於否定句中,舉個例子:

She loves Game of Thrones, but The Witcher isn't really her cup of tea.(她很熱愛《權力遊戲》,但她不是很喜歡《獵魔士》。)

Thanks for inviting me, but clubbing isn't my cup of tea.(謝謝你邀請我,但我不太喜歡上夜店。)
