位於 Sogo 後面的一處靜巷內(原店址,現已搬遷)Whiple House 就像一顆靜靜綻放光芒的寶石,是我心中理想的聚會場所。這個兩層樓的空間集合服飾店 / 家飾零售店 / 咖啡店於一身,帶著幾分時尚氣息,極具品味的裝璜,溫暖的燈光,與撫慰人心的美食。然而最棒的一點是什麼呢? 即使我在週日下午造訪,店裡都沒什麼人呢。


Whiple House is my preferred type of gathering place. Located on a quiet lane behind Sogo, this hidden gem is part apparel shop/part home decor retail space/part cafe. It has the combination of a chic, stylish decor and light, comforting food. The best part? It’s empty even though I visited on a Sunday afternoon.



Whiple House


Whiple House



一樓是台灣服飾品牌 Whiple 零售空間。


The 1st floor is a retail space for Whiple, a Taiwanese apparel brand.



一樓 1st floor



二樓的空間出乎意料地大,有 2/3 的空間用來展覽和販售老闆多年來精心收藏的小擺件(以下會有更多照片),剩下的空間則有一個開放式廚房和用餐桌子。


The 2nd floor is surprisingly spacious. 2/3 of the area is used as an exhibition/retail space for random knickknacks collected by the owner over the years (more pictures on this later), and the rest consists of an open kitchen and dining tables.



二樓 2nd floor


用餐區 Dining area


用餐區 Dining area


菜單 Menu



我們從一杯熱奶茶 (150台幣) 展開序幕。奶茶本身的滋味並沒有特殊之處,但茶裡面有種迷人的香氣,原來是在鍋煮奶茶的同時就放入一束薄荷,而薄荷的香氣巧妙的點亮了整杯飲品的風味。這真是一個特殊巧思,而且在家裡也很容易能效法。


We started with a cup of hot milk tea (150 NTD), which had an alluring aroma from the extra sprig of mint that was used in the brewing. What a brilliant idea that can be easily done at home! The milk tea itself wasn’t especially memorable, but the mint made all the difference.



奶茶 150台幣 Milk Tea



接著我們試了一盤松露義大利麵 (380台幣),麵烹煮得恰到好處的彈牙,炒香的蒜末和綜合菌菇讓整盤麵充滿著醉人的誘惑香氣。


We then tried a plate of truffle pasta (380 NTD), cooked perfectly al dente and smelling heavenly with sauteed garlic and mixed mushrooms.



松露義大利麵, 380台幣 Truffle pasta


松露義大利麵, 380台幣 Truffle pasta



下一道引起我的興趣的是較少見到的海膽蟹肉義大利麵 (480台幣),濃稠的海膽醬汁包覆在每一根麵條上,我彷彿至今還能嚐到那股充滿海洋味道的濃郁鮮味。喜愛海膽的朋友們,可以試試這一道。


More interesting was the less commonly seen sea urchin & crabmeat pasta (480 NTD). Each strand was covered in sea urchin creaminess, the flavor so definite I can still taste it at the tip of my tongue. For those who like sea urchins, this would be a good choice.



海膽蟹肉義大利麵, 480台幣 Sea urchin & crabmeat pasta


海膽蟹肉義大利麵, 480台幣 Sea urchin & crabmeat pasta



菜單上的這道鬱金香海鮮燉飯 (380台幣) 引起了我們的注意,但食物上桌後才發現原來店家並不是使用新鮮的鬱金香,而是用鬱金香花粉來讓燉飯呈現金黃色澤。味道還不錯,但就連喜歡米心夾生口感的我都覺得米粒略顯生硬了一些 。



We were intrigued by the tulip seafood risotto (380 NTD) on the menu and decided to give it a try. It turns out that they don’t use real tulip flowers, but instead tulip flower powder to give the risotto a golden color. Great flavor though a bit undercooked.



鬱金香海鮮燉飯, 380台幣 Tulip seafood risotto



派皮煙薰鮭魚塔 (280台幣)的滋味很一般,沒有特別值得說的。


The salmon tart (280 NTD) was rather pedestrian. Nothing to sing about.


派皮煙薰鮭魚塔, 280台幣 
The salmon tart



當天唯一供應的甜點是這個蘋果蛋糕 (180台幣),內層夾了果醬的慕斯蛋糕,底層有一層薄薄的消化餅乾餅皮。整體味道雖然不太特別,但在下午飽餐一頓之後,也算畫上了甜蜜又輕盈的句點。順道一提,Whiple House 在ATT 4 Fun (B1) 的分店似乎提供更多樣化的甜點選擇。


The only dessert available for the day was an apple cake (180 NTD), a mousse/jam dessert sitting on top of a thin graham cracker crust. Not especially memorable, but a sweet and very light ending to our late afternoon meal. FYI, the branch in ATT 4 Fun (B1) apparently has a much larger dessert selection.



蘋果蛋糕 , 180台幣 Apple cake





Fully satisfied, we went around exploring the many quirky gadgets on the 2nd floor. Some things are useful, many are useless, everything is stylish, and everything is expensive. A small pack of iron nails for 800 NTD? Whew!


















The reason why this place is empty even on weekends is probably because the food is overpriced, but I’m not complaining – I really do hope it stays quiet.





Whiple House



電話:(02) 2775-1627



價格:[飲料] 150~200台幣 [甜點] 180台幣 [輕食] 320~480台幣





〉〉手作的溫暖,無所不在 - 台北 Caldo Café 咖朵咖啡館

〉〉破爛也是種美 - 台北 Café Junkies 小破爛咖啡館

〉〉穿著純白襯衫的文藝青年 - 台北 CAFÉ SHOWROOM



本文轉載自 Sugared & Spiced