自然醒咖啡公寓悄然隱藏在和平東路二段上一棟不起眼樓房的二樓。這裡的主人刻意營造了一個另 時間停止的空間 - 如果你注意看,這裡所有鐘的指針都停擺了,而各式各樣的二手椅子似乎都在向客人招手,呢喃著 “再多待一會兒吧!”。 雖然週六下午的人潮讓這個小咖啡店顯的有些悶,不過有趣的裝潢和溫暖的服務還是讓我和朋友們在這裡舒服的坐了好幾個小時。


Nestled on the 2nd floor of a nondescript apartment building on Heping East Road is Wakin’ Up Cafe Apartment, a space where time stands still (if you look around, the clocks here literally not not moving). The cafe was slightly stuffy on a Saturday afternoon with the weekend crowd, but the cozy decor and friendly service still lured us to lounge here for hours.






After venturing up a flight of rather steep stairs, you will arrive at this.



喜歡黑板上的無敵鐵金剛。Love the blackboard drawing behind the bar.



The cafe has an eclectic chair collection. All are stylish, though not all are all that comfortable…





店內隨處可見的小玩意兒。Random knickknacks here and there.





店貓大人。The cafe cat.




黑糖抹茶拿鐵 (150台幣),不會太甜。
Latte with black sugar and matcha (150 NTD), with a thin layer of caramelized brown sugar on top.




朋友點的夏威夷果拿鐵 (150台幣)。
A friend’s macadamia nut latte (150 NTD).



香蕉布朗尼 (80台幣),沒有香蕉味,而且口感不像布朗尼。
Banana brownie (80 NTD), couldn’t taste the banana flavor, and the texture was off.



蘋果派 (80台幣) 倒是不錯,有層次感的酥皮包裹著燉煮過的蘋果切片,很香。
Apple pie (80 NTD), on the other hand, was lovely, with flaky puff pastry snugly enveloping well-cooked apple slices.





Another wonderful place to linger on a lazy afternoon in Taipei.




地址:台北市和平東路二段 157 號 2F

電話:(02) 2709 6066

營業時間:1~11 pm (週二休)

價位:[飲品] 140~170 台幣 [甜點] 80 台幣





>>手作的溫暖,無所不在 - 台北 Caldo Café 咖朵咖啡館

>>破爛也是種美 - 台北 Café Junkies 小破爛咖啡館

>>穿著純白襯衫的文藝青年 - 台北 CAFÉ SHOWROOM



本文轉載自 Sugared & Spiced