
咚咚咚鏘~各位 VoiceTuber 新年快樂! 恭喜發財、紅包、舞龍舞獅,各種喜氣洋洋的詞眼都將相繼上門了, 這些的英文要怎麼說呢? 讓VoiceTube馬上來教你吧!



Chinese New Year - 農曆新年

Happy Chinese New Year 新年快樂

New Year's greetings - 賀年


老外問了也可通!這個通常是用在老外問你什麼是「五福臨門」等等時,你可以回答的用語! 翻譯主觀,以理解為重,不吝伺教:)


Congratulations and be prosperous 恭喜發財

Wishing you prosperity and wealth 恭喜發財

Everlasting peace year after year 歲歲平安

May there be bounty every year 年年有餘

May you be blessed with peace and safety in all four seasons! 四季平安

May you be blessed with peace and safety wherever you are! 出入平安

Great fortune and great favor. 大吉大利

May fortune come to your door. 五福臨門

We wish you good fortune and may all your wishes come true.吉祥如意

May you welcome happiness with the spring. 迎春納福

May wealth come generously to you. 財源廣進


The country is at peace and the people are satisfied. 國泰民安

May your happiness be as broad as the sea. 喜氣洋洋

May you have wealth overflowing. 富貴有餘

The star of happiness shines brightly above.福星高照

May good fortune find your door. 鴻運臨門


red envelope  紅包


New Year's Money  壓歲錢

year-end bonus = December bonus 年終獎金

The Spring Festival  春節

Chinese New Year Festivities  農曆春節假期

Chinese New Year’s Eve  除夕夜


New Year's Eve Dinner   年夜飯

around the fireplace = surrounding the stove  圍爐

bringing in the new year  守歲

incense  香

burn an incense stick  燒香

burn incense and pray  燒香拜佛

religious festival  拜拜

ask the gods for a prophecy  求神問卜

firecracker   鞭炮

set off firecrackers  放鞭炮


Red Couplets = New Year couplets  春聯

make a New Year's visit =make a ceremonial call   拜年

play mahjong   打麻將

play cards  打牌



The Lion Dance  舞獅

The Dragon Dance  舞龍

the lunar/solar calendar  農曆 / 陽曆

sweet glutinous rice pudding = nian gao  年糕

firework  煙火

ancestor  祖先

worship ancestors   祭祖

temple  寺廟

最後,附上一則超搞笑的新年新希望影片,希望大家在國曆新年希望失敗後,在農曆新年再好好堅持吧! Happy Chinese New Year :) 圖片1

作者: Kimberly Chin  
原文出處:新年說吉祥話! 恭喜發財怎麼說?