Diary 的外面並沒有招牌,但我一下就被它落地窗散發出來的溫暖光線給吸引了。走進去的一刹那,我就知道我會喜歡這裡。店內的裝修風格有種工業時尚感:牆壁和橫梁由冷調的混凝土澆築,但復古的木桌和柔和的燈光巧妙的把這種感覺中和柔化。在這個很有型的小酒吧裡面坐著很有型的客人們;他們啜飲著各種美麗的調酒,品嘗著一道道從開放式廚房裡端出的美食。嗯,我想,這裡可以常來。


There is no signage outside of Diary, but the warm glow that exudes from its floor-to-ceiling glass storefront easily attract passerby. Walk in, and the buzz instantly envelopes you. It’s a stylish place filled with good-looking people having a very good time. They are sipping beautiful cocktails and nibbling off a menu that offers a snapshot of what young people in Taipei crave right now. The decor is industrial chic, with exposed concrete walls and roof beams, softened by the warmths of antique wooden tables and subdued lighting. Open kitchen, but of course.





餐廳內 Interior


木製地板 Floor


開放式廚房 Open kitchen


桌子 Inner tables


吧台 Bar



我們被帶到了吧台的座位,正合我意 - 兩個人用餐的時候我很喜歡這種輕鬆的位置,而且這把打磨過的鋁質的吧椅(聽說是 Emeco 出品的)坐起來比看起來要舒適很多。

We were led to the bar seats, and these burnished aluminum stools (Emeco, I heard) are surprisingly comfortable.



吧椅 Bar


My purse feels right at home


餐具 Utensils



看菜單的同時,服務生為我們送上了Diary自製的風乾鳳梨片。這些看起來有點像花瓣的薄片,香脆並且略微帶酸,令人一片接著一片的望嘴裡送。Bartender 告訴我他們會選用不同的水果,而他個人的最愛則是檸檬 -光想像一下那個刺激的酸味,我的口水就要流出來了。


While browsing through the menu, I polished off these air-dried pineapple slices. Crisp, slightly sour, totally woke up my appetite. The bartender told me that they vary the type of fruits they use, and his personal favorite is air-dried lemon slices. My mouth salivated just at the thought of this.



風乾鳳梨片 Air-dried pineapple slices



調酒是 Diary 的特色,所以在用正餐之前小酌幾杯他們 bartender 的作品是一定要的。



調酒 Drinks menu



在 bartender 的推薦下,我點了 Hanami (280台幣),一杯以 Beefeater 琴酒打底,加上 Dover 櫻花酒,萊姆汁,和新鮮的萊姆汁混合而成的調酒。可愛的淺粉色加上酸甜的水果味,這款調酒絕對是專為女孩設計的。


At the bartender’s recommendation, I ordered Hanami (280 NTD), a Beefeater gin-based cocktail with Dover sakura liqueur, lime juice, and fresh lime juice. Light pink color, sour fruity flavor, a thoroughly girly drink.



Hanami, 280台幣 Hanami, 280NTD





What’s interesting is that each cocktail is served on a paper coaster with the drink’s recipe handwritten on it. Recreate this at home, if you’d like.



Hanami 配方 Hanami recipe



朋友點的 Stinger (280台幣) 結合了白蘭地和白薄荷酒,由於酒精味較重所以我個人沒有特別中意。


My dinner date had the Stinger (280 NTD), a mix of brandy and white creme de menthe liqueur. Not my personal favorite.



Stinger, 280台幣 Stinger, 280 NTD


Stinger 配方 Stinger recipe



都不是非常餓的我們決定只點兩道菜試試味道。先上桌的炸岩石(300台幣),從它黑糊糊的外觀實在很難推斷食材是什麽吧?咬一口才知道原來這是將魚,烏賊和蝦包裹在墨魚汁麵糊中再油炸而成的 “傳統馬德里炸海鮮”。鬆脆的外皮包裹香滑的海鮮,再配上Diary自製的藏紅花蛋黃醬,還真不錯。


We were only looking for small bites and decided on two dishes to share. First came Fried Rocks (300 NTD), which, despite its unassuming look, is actually chunks of fish, squid, and shrimps deep-fried in cuttlefish ink-colored batter – a perfect collision of crackling crunch and silky smooth seafood. It came with a house made saffron mayonnaise, a very befitting accompaniment.



炸岩石, 300台幣 Fried rocks, 300NTD


炸岩石 Fried rocks


藏紅花蛋黃醬 Saffron Mayonnaise






布袋春雞, 500 NTD Roasted baby chicken with Dijon mustard sauce, 500 NTD


芥末牛奶醬 Dijon mustard sauce





After politely and patiently waiting for me to snap pictures of this good-looking bird, the waiter quartered it for us in two sharp slices.



二分 Halved


四分 Quartered



開吃吧!Dig in!






我很喜歡 Diary 很酷又不失舒適的氛圍,而這裡簡單的食物自然也是重點,但把一切圓滑串起來的是這裡專業又溫馨的服務。如果我住在台北,我一定會經常出現在這裡。






電話:(02) 2706 3553









文章來源:Sugared & Spiced