給你的實用職場英文,get the ball rolling 是什麼意思?學會與夥伴協作的工作片語,讓你適時地鼓舞團隊,增加工作效率!

連假結束的收心絕對是最折磨人的事情!假期當中旅行再美好,心情再輕鬆都難免有說 Good-bye. 的一天,有沒有什麼好方法可以讓這種收假症候群的症狀減輕一些呢?點進影片看看達人們都是怎麼安排假期的吧!

推薦閱讀:想做《高年級實習生》裡的 CEO 一定要懂!職場必勝實用英文


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◎ get the ball rolling 著手做、開始做

看到這個片語的時候,get the ball rolling 跟球可沒有關係喔,它指的是「開始做某件事」,就像你把球丟擲出去,讓球開始滾動一樣。

Thank you all for attending this conference today. Let’s get the ball rolling, shall we?



It’s time to get the ball rolling. I don’t want to be late for the party!


◎ back to the grind 回到工作崗位

Grind 這個字有「苦差事」的意思,back to the grind 是很生活化的片語,表示在一段假期之後「回去工作、回到工作崗位」,注意這個片語尤其可以表達回去的這個工作讓你覺得很辛苦、很痛苦喔。

I had such a wonderful vacation, and it makes it so hard to get back to the grind.



◎ tie up loose ends 處理未處理完的瑣事


The project is almost finished, but I still need some time to tie up some loose ends before Christmas.


◎ hit the ground running 充滿幹勁地開始、馬上就做得成功


Have you done this before? We’re all amazed that you hit the ground running your first month here!


◎ cut-and-dried 已安排好、無法改變的

The plan is cut-and-dried. It should work fine at the expo.



The situation is not cut-and-dried, and we’re still waiting for the police report of the investigation.


◎ pass the buck 推卸責任

Buck 雖然可以指「錢」,但 pass the buck 這個片語卻不是指什麼好事喔,它是「推卸責任」的意思。

We can’t get anything done with everyone passing the buck.


◎ a done deal 制定好、準備好的計畫

Is it a done deal or do we still have time to make changes?
