每座城市都有著獨特的樣貌和文化,了解當地最好的方法,就是像個當地人生活。決定好下個連假、下一次旅行要上哪去了嗎?不妨看女人迷作者 Louise 分享她在邁阿密城市的生活旅行,或許你也會喜歡上這裡的城市樣貌。


What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas

而邁阿密也有饒舌歌手 Pitbull和Havana Brown 的歌詞

What happens in Miami never happened


Every city has its marketing catchphrase. For example, the one for Las Vegas is "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas." And for the city Miami, the lyric "What happens in Miami never happened" from the rap singer Pitbull and Havana Brown would be a fun marketing slogan for Miami.

miami travel guide

miami travel guide

miami travel guide

|Where to Stay|

這次在邁阿密住宿的複合式公寓飯店 Mare Azur Luxury Suites 今年四月才剛落成,所以設備完善極新且乾淨。

一般精品酒店的健身房、游泳池等這間複合式公寓飯店都有;且屋內洗衣機、刀具、鍋碗瓢盆、烤箱、廚具等也都一應具全,附近離大型超市 Publix Super Market 也很近,適合喜歡在度假當地買菜烹飪的旅行方式。

During our time in Miami, the serviced apartment we stayed at was Mare Azur Luxury Suites by Monte Carlo. As Mare Azur Luxury Suites just opened around April this year, the room was brand new, clean and all the areas were well kept.

It has a great gym, and an amazing swimming pool where you can enjoy the stunning view of Miami beach. The kitchen was fully-equipped with tableware, an oven, refri, dishwasher and microwave. The apartment is also near the local supermarket Publix Super Market where you can buy all the groceries.


Mare Azur Luxury Suites
6551 Collins Ave #802, Miami Beach, FL 33141



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miami travel guide

cambridge satchel backpack

|Where to Eat|

在西礁島愛上古巴菜餚的我,這次在邁阿密也跑了好多次這間當地頗負盛名的古巴餐廳 Versailles,價格實惠餐點可口,餐廳還兼開設麵包西點店可供外帶,一次品嘗古巴式庶民料理,從前菜到甜點的所有美味。

另外我也從來沒嘗試過秘魯菜,這次在邁阿密造訪了這間評價很高但價格合理的秘魯餐廳 Cholo's Ceviche & Grill。我點的是用藜麥(Quinoa)裹的酥脆炸蝦仁佐辛甜口感的番薯泥,令我回味無窮!

Ever since I fell in love with Cuban food when I was in Key West, I had visited the Cuban restaurant Versailles many times during our stay in Miami to enjoy the real Cuban cuisine. The food was really delicious and reasonably priced. There is also a Versailles Bakery close by the restaurant and it served classic Cuban and Latin pastries and desserts. Highly recommended!

I also tried the Peruvian cuisine at Cholo's Ceviche & Grill restaurant. I ordered a quinoa crusted shrimp with spicy mashed sweet potato and it was very tasty. I have never tried Peruvian food before and I was very impressed with how delicious it was!

3555 SW 8th St, Miami, FL 33135

Cholo's Ceviche & Grill It's now renamed to El Cholo
1127 NE 163rd St, North Miami Beach, FL 33162

miami travel guide

miami versailles bakery

miami versailles restaurant

miami travel guide

miami versailles bakery

miami travel guide

miami travel guide