冬天冷氣團報到,臉頰和嘴唇總是又紅又癢,抓癢還會不小心抓破皮。如果你也是敏感肌,就不要錯過作者 Louise 為大家帶來冬日保養法寶,讓你的冬日不再乾癢不適,多疼愛自己一點吧!


Winter Skin Care. As I have always had sensitive and dry skin for as long as I could remember, I have always been looking for the right skin care products. Especially in winter, my face gets drier when the heater is on. With time, I have created my skin care routine with quality items at reasonable prices. I keep my routine simple with only 3 steps, cleaning, hydrating with serum and moisturizing with cream. 

winter skin care


洗卸妝品:我習慣一天洗兩次臉,早上只用清水,晚上用花王 Biore 溫和水嫩洗面乳,不過度刺激皮膚卻又洗得相當乾淨;如果有化妝會先用 Loreal 卸眼唇,化妝棉片浸濕卸眼唇液,閉上眼睛輕敷眼皮幾秒後,就算是防水的眼妝也卸的很乾淨。然後搭配貝德瑪的舒妍卸臉部底妝,舒妍很適合皮膚敏感的人使用,一樣先用化妝棉浸溼舒妍輕輕擦拭臉部殘妝,臉沒有被化妝棉蹂躪的感覺,反而會非常舒服。

|Winter Skin Care|Step 1: Cleaning

The 1st step of winter skin care is cleaning. I clean my face twice a day and I usually wash my face with water only in the morning. At night, I clean my face with Kao Biore Facial Washing Foam Moisture. The foam is pretty mild and I love ti. When I wear makeup, I wet the cotton sheet with Loreal Paris Gentle Eye Makeup Remover, and swipe it across my eyes for waterproof eye makeup. It doesn't burn my eyes and removes heavy eye makeup thoroughly. I also use Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micelle Solution to remove my face makeup. Bioderma is fragrance-free, alcohol-free and leaves my face feeling clean and hydrated.

winter skin care

winter skin care

winter skin care


關於皮膚保養我傾向藥妝品牌居多,有皮膚科醫師背書更佳。我洗完臉會先擦 Vichy 的智慧動能保濕精華,補充水分。Vichy 的這支保濕精華我很喜歡,質地溫和很容易吸收。最可惜的是Vichy一貫的添加香精,香味略重,如果能不添加香料就更好了。


|Winter Skin Care|Step 2: Hydrating

The 2nd skin care step in winter is hydrating with serum. I depend on dermatologists' advice and tips a lot and I have perfected my skin care products with their top picks. After rinsing, I apply Vichy Aqualia Thermal Dynamic Hydration Power Serum. The texture of this serum is milky and goes on easily. It has a scent and I usually prefer unscented skin care products, but it does hydrate and work really good on my skin. 

winter skin care



|Winter Skin Care|Step 3: Moisturizing

The 3rd step of winter skin care is moisturizing with rich cream. In addition to the serum, I apply the Stiefel cream as my last skin care step. Upon the advice of dermatologist Dr. Pin-Chi Chiu, who is the authority on dermatology in Taiwan, I started using Stiefel Physiogel lotion/cream a couple of years ago. Physiogel is gentle on sensitive skin as it contains no perfume, preservatives, alcohols and colorants. I have been using this product for many years and this works fantastic on my face. I usually apply Physiogel lotion in summer and cream in winter. On snow day, I use Stiefel Physiogel Intensive Cream for my extremely dry face. Another lotion that I also love is Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream. Cetaphil is recommended by a lot of dermatologists for dry and sensitive skin as it is also non-fragrant and non-comedogenic.

winter skin care

winter skin care


最後是番外篇 - 手部保養。其實以前我在台灣很少擦護手霜,海島氣候潮濕手不大乾。直到來美國後冬天常常手指關節和指甲邊緣乾燥到裂開,才養成擦護手霜的習慣。所以學乖了睡前會擦瑰柏翠的護手霜,再用瑰柏翠萬用油膏加強乾燥的關節。

|Winter Hand Care|

For hand care in winter, I actually rarely applied hands cream when I was in Taiwan as the weather is pretty humid. But after moving to Boston, the winter is so freezing and severe that my hands get dry and cracked all the time. Now I use Crabtree & Evelyn Hand Therapy every night before going to bed, and apply their All Purpose Balm for my drier elbows and cuticles. The All Purpose Balm is rich and infused with shea butter, softening my skin really well. 

winter skin care

winter skin care