
Burgundy cambridge satchel

Burgundy in Early Spring 上週波士頓下了據說是今年春季的最後一場雪,是冬日和春天換季的尷尬時刻。原本專屬冬日的酒紅色單品得以繼續穿搭,佐以灰白色的大衣外套慢慢步入春天。

Last week was the first day of spring 2016, and Boston got a snowy start with blowing snowflakes to spring. To make my winter burgundy clothes work in spring, I paired with a crisp grey white coat for the awkward winter/spring transition. 




這次又巧取強奪老公的酒紅色劍橋包,和身上的暗紅搭配的理所當然。我自己身高不高,所以買劍橋包偏愛中小型例如 9-14 吋,這款 15 吋意外地在我身上不顯得太大,我想是因為同樣是 15 吋,這款少了上面的手持提把,視覺看起來比較小揹起來也比較適合小個子的女生;如果是嬌小型的女生想要挑選大款的劍橋包,我會推薦 14 吋或者 15 吋無提把款式。

Burgundy cambridge satchel

Burgundy cambridge satchel

Burgundy in Early Spring

Burgundy has always been a hot color for fall/winter. But as the spring weather is unpredictable, I mixed and matched my wintertime burgundy staples and the spring grey white to make it work without getting too dark. 

For the bagl, I actually headed over to my hubby's closet and borrowed his burgundy satchel. I'm quite petite so I usually opt for satchels that are below 14" so it won't overwhelm my frame. But this gorgeous burgundy satchel is 15" and it doesn't swamp my petite frame. I think the reason it worked on me is this satchel has no top handle.

Without the top handle design, the 15" satchels looks not too bulky and big. As 15" satchels is more practical and easy to fit a lot of stuff, I would recommend 15" cambridge satchel without top handle for petite girls who are looking for a large bag.

Burgundy cambridge satchel

Burgundy cambridge satchel

Burgundy cambridge satchel



Recently I've been trying to settle in at a new job and my 9-to-5 routine. The subway commute is different from my flexible schedule when I was a student. During rush hours, either in the morning when people are commuting to work or in the evening when people are heading home, it's crowded and I'm squeezed in like a can of sardines. And there is always a snoring men on my usual train.

While commuting to work during rush hours may not sound lovely, but the perk of commuting to downtown is I get to enjoy the amazing subway saxophone performing when I squeeze out of the train. 

Burgundy cambridge satchel