兩年前的夏天,有位朋友向我推薦了這間優雅的茶館 / 餐廳, 從此這裡就成為我在台北最愛的地方之一。在東區的喧囂繁忙之中,這間店的沈靜氛圍實在難得,而店內的精美裝璜和高雅的商品陳列,無一不反映出本店老闆陳夏姿的出眾品味。


I was first introduced to Cha Cha Thé two summers ago by a friend, and this elegant teahouse/restaurant has remained one of my favorite spots in Taipei ever since. It is a most welcomed center of calm admist the dizzying Taipei Eastern district, with beautiful interior design and tasteful merchandising that hint at the background of its owner Shiatzy Chen.



店內擺設 Interior



牆上展示一系列的商品, 排列方式十分賞心悅目。


A selection of merchandise is gracefully displayed on the walls.



包裝 Packaging


茶具 Ceramic Teaware





And there are other items tastefully placed here and there throughout the space.



陳設 Merchandise





The simple, soothing melody of Bach’s Cello Suites was floating through the air, perfectly befitting for the composed space.



室內 Interior


中庭 Tree in the courtyard





Upon closer inspection, you will notice that the inner wall is built from tea bricks, subtly perfuming the air.



茶葉牆 Tea Wall


一個安靜的角落 A quiet corner



下午茶套餐, 包含一壺熱茶和任選兩樣甜點, 價格根據所選的茶而定,由480-580 NTD不等(加上10%服務費)。你也可選擇單點的茶和甜點(每人最低消費 300 NTD加10%服務費)


The afternoon tea set, inclusive of a pot of tea and two desserts of choice, ranges from 480 to 580 NTD (+10% service charge) depending on the type of tea you order. A la carte orders of tea and desserts are also available (minimum spend 300 NTD/person).






我們試了南非花草茶 (Flowered Rooibos), 一款亮橘色,帶有柔和花香調的花草茶,還有名為 東方美人(Oriental Beauty),閃耀著迷人的琥珀色澤的優雅的烏龍茶。


We tried the Flowered Rooibos (南非花草茶), a vibrantly orange-colored tea characterized by its soft floral notes, and the Oriental Beauty (東方美人), an elegant blend of Oolong tea with a bright amber luster and a sweet aftertaste.



茶 Tea





All eight dessert options (including two savory items) looked very tempting, so it took us a while and the help of our gracious waiter to pick out four. The first was a Darjeeling sponge cake - soft, fluffy, light, and fragrant with the soothing black tea flavor.



大吉岭蛋糕 Darjeeling sponge cake





Next was the dark chocolate with Grand Marnier cake, two triangular blocks of decadently rich chocolate cake punctuated with chopped walnuts and the ambrosial orange flavor of Grand Marnier.



橙香黑巧克力磚糕 Dark chocolate with Grand Marnier Cake



下一道養生香草紫米塔是個十足的驚喜。柔軟的塔皮與台灣鳳梨酥表皮的質地相仿, 輕柔包覆住香氣迷人卻不過分甜膩的紫米內餡, 讓人讚歎不已的美味。


We were wowed by the black rice with vanilla tart, a beautiful combination of east and west. The tart, soft like the shell of Taiwanese pineapple cakes, envelops a vanilla black rice filling that was rich in flavor but not overly sweet. Double like. 



Black rice with vanilla tart



最後一道是抹茶風味水果塔, 令人失望的是入口幾乎察覺不到抹茶香, 卡士達醬也不夠濃稠。早知如此我應該聽從侍者的建議, 改點黑芝麻鮮燉奶。唉。


Lastly there was the matcha fruit tart, which disappointed me a little as the green tea flavor was barely there and the custard was too runny. I wish I had ordered the panna cotta with black sesame as suggested by our waiter.



抹茶風味水果塔 Matcha fruit tart


小寶石 Little jewels



在結帳櫃抬時, 服務人員為我們遞上店家自製的牛軋糖和黑棗核桃糕。好吃,好吃。


At the cashier, we were presented with some complimentary candies – house made nougats and black date walnut cake, both quite delicious.



招待的糖果 Complimentary candy



采采食茶文化依舊名列我個人最愛的台北下午茶名單中。謙恭有禮的店員、美味的點心和優雅的氣氛 - 這裡絕對是個值得稍做停留,好好感受的地方。


Cha Cha Thé remains one of my favorite afternoon tea spots in Taipei. Courteous staff, delicious food, beautiful ambience. Come, and stay for a while.





采采食茶文化 Cha Cha Thé


電話:(02) 2781 8289

營業時間:11:30am~10:00pm (下午茶 2:oopm~5:30pm)


價位:[午餐] 790~990台幣 (+10%), [下午茶] 480~580台幣 (+10%)





〉〉台北 Season Cuisine Pâtissiartism(中英對照)

〉〉大口咬定的美味 Panini - 台北 Toasteria Café 三號

〉〉破爛也是種美 - 台北 Café Junkies 小破爛咖啡館



本文轉載自 Sugared & Spiced