購物季來了,購物網站 Asos 不但有各種風格、尺寸齊全,且還全球免運!喜歡簡單俐落的型人一定要看的五個網站,從甜美到酷靚、從女孩到女人,這個冬日對自己好別手軟,點進去就回不來啦!

Asos Shopping Guide 購物微指南。我最喜歡逛的購物網站Asos不但有各種風格、尺寸齊全,且還全球免運!這篇介紹了五個我在 Asos 上每季瀏覽新品必看的品牌,以清新的學院風和極簡俐落的設計風格為主。

As holiday season is coming, here is the Asos shopping guide featuring my top 5 brands on Asos. My favorite brands include preppy Jack Wills, elegant Ted Baker, cool Monki, Asos own label, and JumpFromPaper.

|Asos 感恩節購物指南|五個在Asos上必逛的品牌

1. Asos

第一個是我最常逛的 Asos 自有品牌。價位不會太高,尺碼也相當齊全,有適合嬌小亞洲人身型的 Petite 系列、體形豐滿的 Curve 系列、身材特別高挑的 Tall 系列、又或是懷孕婦女的 Maternity 系列。 我前幾年買的的繫帶低跟鞋到現在還是我的最愛,今年新款設計一樣低調優雅;還有學院風格的吊帶裙和牛津鞋也讓我相當沈迷!

|Asos Shopping Guide|5 Brands to Wear

First, Asos own label is my go-to brand when shopping online. They offer plentiful collections from Asos Petite, Asos Curve, Asos Tall and Asos Maternity. You can always enjoy shopping on Asos as they have a wide range of sizes and selections. I own a pair of Asos flat strap heels and it remains one of my favorite. I'm also addicted to their preppy pinafore and loafers!

2. Jack Wills

第二個來自英國的 Jack Wills 是非常學院風格的品牌,翻閱他們的 lookbook 看到的都是氣質英倫紳士和淑女,所以我非常喜歡在 Asos 上逛他們的每季新品。衣服剪裁中帶著經典的英國氣息和青春的輪廓,熱愛 preppy style 的你(和我)都不能錯過 Jack Wills 呀。他們的價位不是非常可親,但是現在可以趁感恩節優惠,台灣地區結賬時利用折扣碼 CYBER 打八折!

Second, Jack Wills. Founded in Devon, UK, Jack Wills delivers British preppy and private school style. I am smitten with their signature British heritage-inspired fashion aesthetic. As a preppy style lover, I always get inspired from Jack Wills lookbook on Asos. Their price is not affordable for everyone, but now you can take advantage of Thanksgiving sale with code BLESSED to get 30% off! 

3. JumpFromPaper 

大家都喜歡卡通,大家都喜歡時尚,如果將 2D 卡通圖像和 3D 包包結合在一起會是什麼模樣呢?來自台灣的兩個女生蘇筱茜和林雨柔,一起創立充滿奇趣的 JumpFromPaper 是我一直有在注意的品牌。和一般高級精品品牌不同,JumpFromPaper 實現童年夢想,將卡通插畫製作成可以真正拎上街的包包。大膽幽默的童趣設計鼓勵大家做夢,做各種天馬行空的幻想。

Third, JumpFromPaper. People love animated cartoons. People love fashion. What will it be like when combing 2D cartoon appearance with 3D real bag? Were these bags even real? JumpFromPaper is created by two Taiwanese designers, Chay Su and Rika Li. And they are creative enough to bring 2D hand-drawn illustrations to life as real bags. Different from the luxurious leather bag collections, JumpFromPaper aims to fulfill everyone’s childhood dreams – turns cartoon illustrations to carry-all bags. Funny, colorful, eye-catching, attention-getter and humorous, Jump From Paper encourages people to free imagination.

4. Monki 

再來是我也很喜歡的瑞典品牌 Monki,屬於 H&M 集團的姐妹牌。北歐年輕人特有的街頭個性風格,特立獨行的混搭中有很多不錯的質感小物,價位親民。俐落新穎的設計和充滿創意的大膽圖樣,讓你看了會心一笑找回時尚的樂趣。

Based in Sweden, Monki is H&M's street style sister. Its standout trends and Scandi cool style are very popular among creatives and yonung-at-heart girls. Monki offers inexpensive fashion in nice bags and bold prints. They capture Stockholm's edgy street look and mix with fun elements. 

5. Ted Baker 

最後一個來自倫敦的 Ted Baker是優雅的小女人,復古的蕾絲和印花充滿浪漫情懷。價位稍高但是質感也是最好的,我喜歡欣賞他們美得像首詩的花朵布料,著名的蝴蝶結設計包包,都是他們最精緻的時尚細節。

Lastly, Ted Baker. Ted Baker is a London-based brand that relives 60s and 70s fashion style with high quality lace and floral prints. Their price occupies the space between high street and luxury labels. I love Ted Baker's famous sugar sweet floral design and bow details. They bring elegant and vintage-inspired fashion style to every lady's ensemble. 



Happy Shopping!