









From the very start of July, you will be determined to take care of finances. If you applied for a tax extension, you appear to be set on finishing your tax return within four days of the full moon, July 1, even though the deadline for filing an extension may be months away. Matters of credit, loans, mortgage, or legal ramifications involving an estate can all be taken care of as July opens.

You appear to be spending quite a bit of money lately, and this will continue until August 8. Getting a raise may be a priority, and for that, you'll need to wait for the new moon in Cancer, July15. You will have the year's best opportunity for a raise on that date; however, this new moon will be troublesome. Uranus will be at difficult angles to the new moon, and Pluto (force, law and order) will press on you, so if you ask for a raise you will likely encounter resistance. Do not take a denial for an increase as an indication of how much you are valued by your company, for it appears management is under pressure to streamline the budget.

When it comes to money, you do have a lovely interplay between Mars in your salary house and Neptune in your reputation house on July 14-15, so there is hope as Neptune rules your reputation and your career. It also rules your creative thinking, either in an artistic way, or in the way that you come at challenges in a very original and out-of-the-box kind of way. Plan your request for a raise near July 14-15, no later - but be realistic. If things don't work out, you may do better at year's end, when the full moon will appear in Cancer on Christmas Day - news about a bonus or extra cash in your salary would come within four days of this date.

Travel opportunities bring chances to enjoy romance, and one of your most sparkling times for fun and love will arrive July 1-4, when Jupiter (happiness) will meet with Venus (love) in a once-a-year event that happens in a different part of your chart. This year, Venus and Jupiter will meet in your solar third house of short distance travel, so go to a resort near home - you may meet someone new, or if attached, fan the fires of an existing relationship.

One of your very best days of the month to travel will follow, July 3, when Mercury (your ruler AND planet of news / travel) will meet with Jupiter, also a rare event, and you will enjoy beautiful accommodations in a lovely setting and experience a fabulous time. On the day before, July 2, you may decide to take your trip quite spontaneously - lovely!

The month will end with a second full moon - a blue moon - on July 31. Falling in fellow air-sign Aquarius, and due to energize your distant travel sector, you'll be on the move. Saturn will be helpful at this full moon, so action, decisions, or new associations you make at this full moon will likely have staying power. It has all the potential for bringing you opportunities that make it your favorite part of the month.


  • 7月1日的滿月前後四天,你會著眼財務狀況,該付的錢別再拖了,該收的錢也去要吧,會有不小的進賬。
  • ​鑑於火星整月都待在巨蟹座,一直到8月8日,似乎你要借一大筆錢,或者交一大筆錢,比如銀行貸款、抵押貸款、學生貸款。錢左手進右手出,但總比只出不進的好。如果要繳出去的錢沒有緊急期限,那也可以先暫緩,去找出新的財源,目前的星象很適合生財。
  • 7月2日和3日很特別,你的主管星水星跟天王星交會。如果你頭腦靈活,能想出一千個好主意。接下來的一天,水星收到來自木星的暗示——適合購物、旅行、寫作或演講。
  • 7月6日不適合借錢,太陽跟冥王星不對盤。對方會刁難你。
  • 你工作跟藝術有關嗎? 7月8日適合去展示你的作品。那如果你的工作跟藝術沒關係怎麼辦?因為海王星掌管你的名望和榮譽宮,所以這天還是很適合去炫耀你的才能,讓別人知道你的好點子。
  • 7月12日前後別借錢給朋友。如果你已經借出了,估計對方短期內不會還你,本月下旬的時候催一下吧。
  • 7月15日巨蟹座新月本來應該是2015年最適合加薪的新月。不過這新月並不完美,所以會有困難。天王星很活躍,所以老闆可能會給你意外的否決,也可能是你拿到錢了,但突然有個意外的支出,使你必須又有所花費。如果你在7月15到16日要求加薪(還是應該去要求的),一定要準備好理由。土星會支持你,所以即使就算得到負面回應,也可以嘗試再努力一下。
  • 7月21日和22日運氣不錯,你的行動會使你的收入穩定。
  • 金星會在7月25日到9月6日之間逆行。不要對外貌做出太大的改變,包括整容、施打美容針或者染髮剪髮。男人們也要注意。等到9月6日金星恢復正行後再嘗試這些,最好能等到10月9日之後。
  • 7月31日的滿月為你量身定制,發生的事都讓你開心。你可能正要去旅行或者剛旅行回來,正在做跟大學有關的事,論文、出版、網路或者廣播項目作為,又或著官司結束。
  • 7月31日前後四天,如果你在做跟移民有關的事,那也快要結束了。
  • 7月18日前,金星環遊獅子座,愛情特別甜蜜。適宜小旅行,離家100里以內都行。

The July 1 full moon will be a time to review finances, plus or minus four days. You may pay off bills and remind clients they owe you, and you may get a substantial amount of money in too.

Due to Mars in Cancer all month, until August 8, it appears you may need to loan a hefty amount, or pay a large bill, such as for a bank loan, mortgage, student loan, or other similar necessity. Money comes in, money goes out, but happily, at least you have it to pay. If you don't now, if you concentrate on making more, your aspects are good for generating a large influx of cash.

July 2 and July 3 are two special days, when your ruler, Mercury, will meet first with Uranus. If you brainstorm, you will be lit with a thousand ideas. The following day, Mercury will receive a beam from Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck - a great day to shop, travel, write, or speak.

Don't apply for funding on July 6 when the Sun and Pluto will be at odds. Terms will be tough, and the VIP in charge will be difficult and dominating.

Are you artistic? July 8 is your day to show off your ideas in a presentation. You aren't especially creative? Neptune rules your house of fame and honors, so use this same day to show off your skills and present your ideas.

Be careful not to loan money to a friend on July 12 or anywhere near this date. If you are owed money from a friend, it does not look like you'll get it, so ask later in the month.

The new moon in Cancer, July 15, would normally be the new moon of 2015 that would be the right time to ask for more salary. However, this new moon is flawed in some ways and helpful in others, so there will be obstacles. Uranus, planet of unanticipated events, will be active so you may not be anticipating a "no" from your boss, or you may get news you never expected that another big expense is coming your way. When you ask for your raise on July 15-16 (and you should), be sure you are prepared with a good reason you deserve more salary. Saturn will be helpful, so don't let a negative response stop you in your tracks.

July 21 and July 22 are excellent days when your actions will help to stabilize your income.

Venus will go retrograde from July 25 to September 6. Hold off on all major, dramatic changes to your looks, including plastic surgery, Botox injections, and a radical change of hair color or cut. Men, keep your appearance stable too. Resume actions when Venus is strong and powerful, either after September 6, or better yet, from October 9 onward.

The full moon of July 31 has your name on it - you will love the developments, as this will be a fairy godmother full moon. You may travel or be returning from a long trip, working on a matter involving a university, presenting your thesis, wrapping up a publishing, Internet or broadcasting project, or closing a matter involving a legal action.

If you are awaiting the finish to an immigration matter, that too should finish up by July 31 plus or minus four days.

Love will be best prior to July 18 while Venus tours Leo. Love blossoms on short trips, within 100 miles from home.

蘇珊米勒(Susan Miller),美國最著名的星相學家,師承母親。她於1995年創立網站「Astrology Zone」,每月親寫星座運勢,創下平均單月六百萬人次瀏覽記錄,也為《紐約時報》撰寫每日星座專欄,被網友暱稱為「神婆」。