來 Restaurant De Kas 用餐可算是一次小郊遊 - 它位於阿姆斯特丹郊外,從中央車站坐車要 30 分鐘 - 但一踏入餐廳,你就會知道這段路途是值得的。玻璃屋的設計讓燦爛的陽光能毫無阻擋的灑進餐廳裡每一個角落,形成一道壯觀的景象;想必夜晚點燈時,這幢玻璃屋子會更加迷人吧?不過餐廳的重點自然是料理本身,而 Restaurant De Kas 最特別的一點是它有自己的溫室和農場,裡面種植著各式各樣地蔬菜、香草和可食用花,幷堅持每天日出時收割以保證食客能品嘗到最新鮮的食材!


“A kitchen surrounded by fertile soil where vegetables and herbs thrive, where daylight shines in from all sides and where the chefs are free to express their creativity daily using the best the season has to offer.” This, is Restaurant De Kas, a unique dining space serving beautiful dishes of fresh vegetables harvested each morning from their very own herb garden and farm. Love the concept? Read on.


It was quite a trek to get to Restaurant De Kas, as it’s located in the outskirts of Amsterdam (approximately 30 minutes by tram from Central Station). Once we arrived, however, I knew it was worth the travel. The 8-metre high glass conservatory provides spectacular views during the day with ample sunlight, and I can only dream about how enchanting it must appear when illuminated at night.


De Kas has its own greenhouses and garden near the restaurant, where they grow Mediterranean vegetables, herbs and edible flowers. They also have a large field about 10 kilometres from Amsterdam for seasonal vegetables, which are harvested at sunrise everyday so that guests can enjoy the freshest possible ingredients. Whatever they can’t produce themselves, they buy it from other environment-friendly farms around the city.



Restaurant De Kas


Restaurant De Kas








Indoor herb garden


Outdoor herb garden





As the weather was glorious on the day of our visit, lunch was served on the outdoor patio right by the herb garden. Long after the meal, a whiff of fresh mint or a hint of basil would still transport me back to this lovely, sun-dappled patio…



Garden patio



附送的開胃菜:厚皮面包,羅勒橄欖油,酸黃瓜 (好吃),和碩大多汁的綠橄欖 (超級好吃)。

To start, there were crusty breads, basil olive oil, pickled cucumber, and giant, juicy green olives.



Crusty bread


Pickled cucumber and olives


Basil olive oil



中午套餐 (€37.50) 是個不錯的選擇。雖然菜單上寫的是兩道式,其實套餐共含四道菜,包括三份開胃菜和一份主食。開胃菜全部用可食用的鮮花擺盤加以點綴,真可謂是視覺的享受。至於味道,則無太大驚喜。


The prie fixe lunch menu (€37.50) says “two courses”, but it really was a 4-course affair of three appetizers and one main course. All the appetizers came beautifully adorned with edible flowers, but unfortunately they were more a feast for the eyes than for the palate. While none of the dishes tasted atrociously bad, none of them really stood out as memorable either.



羅勒, 紅醋栗冰霜配生蠔
Oyster with basil and currant granite 


檸檬黃瓜夾茄子配乳酪, 薄荷, 和酥炸西葫蘆花
Lemon cucumber with eggplant, feta, mint, and fried zucchini flowers


伊比利火腿卷扁豆配洋蔥, 醃菜, 和花苞
Runner beans in Iberico ham with confit onions, pickles, and flower pods




Then came a plate of simple green salad to accompany the main course. Nothing to sing about.






雖然前菜不特別令人印象深刻,套餐的主菜卻做的非常出色。當天的搭配是 “龍蝦配鱈魚,佐以茴香,面疙瘩和 ljsselstein 醬” (hake with lobster, fennel, gnocchi peas and old Ijsselstein sauce) - 鱈魚本身味道已鮮味十足,再配上龍蝦,面疙瘩和有點芝士臭…不,是香味的ljsselstein醬,真是一場味覺的饗宴。點綴的花瓣如瀑布般撒下,優雅中又有點豪邁。


But I was absolutely charmed by the main course, hake with lobster, fennel, gnocchi peas and old Ijsselstein sauce. A cascade of flower petals flowing down the luxuriously tender hake, which was delicious on its own but even better when accompanied by the lobster, gnocchi peas, and a slightly stinky (it’s the cheese…) Ijsselstein sauce.



鱈魚龍蝦配茴香,面疙瘩和 ljsselstein 醬
Hake with lobster, fennel, green pea gnocchi and old Ijsselstijn sauce


Hake with lobster, fennel, green tea gnocchi and old Ijsselstijn sauce





套餐裡沒有包含甜點,於是我們另點了一份當日甜點 (€8.50) - 巧克力蛋糕搭配橄欖油漬櫻桃,櫻桃冰霜,和玫瑰花瓣 (Cherries with olive oil, chocolate nemesis, cherry sorbet and rose petals)。酸酸甜甜的口味層次分明,彷佛在舌尖跳舞!我一口接著一口,差點就又要一份。


Desserts are not included in the prie fixe menu, but of course we ordered them on the side (€8.50). Dessert of the day was cherries with olive oil, chocolate nemesis, cherry sorbet and rose petals. With each mouthful, the layered sweet and sour flavors did enthusiastic somersaults on my tongue. Beautiful, delicious, bring me another bowl!



Cherries with olive oil, chocolate nemesis, cherry sorbet and rose petals


Cherries with olive oil, chocolate nemesis, cherry sorbet and rose petals


Cherries with olive oil, chocolate nemesis, cherry sorbet and rose petals



我們點了杯咖啡,而原本只應該附送一份小點心的,大廚卻很好心的給了我們兩份。順帶提一下,這裡的服務非常親切且無微不至 - 服務生甚至還為我們把荷蘭文的菜單翻譯並列印了一份給我帶回家!


The kitchen sent us two pastries even though we were only supposed to get one to accompany the solo cup of coffee, which leads me to the service part – it was friendly and smooth throughout the meal. The waitress even volunteered to translate and print out the menu (originally in Dutch) for me to take home.



Coffee desserts


Coffee desserts





After the meal, we lounged in our chairs doing absolutely nothing other than admiring the well-manicured herb garden and taking in its perfumed air.



Herb garden


Herb garden


Herb garden


Restaurant De Kas 有獨立的包間,也可提供長桌給有商務宴請需求的食客。如果你肯多花一點錢的話,還可以預訂他們設在廚房裡的貴賓桌,將大廚製作料理的過程盡收眼底。詳情可參照他們的網站


De Kas also has a separate room for private dinners, a “business table” for the business folks (?), and a chef’s table inside the kitchen for those willing to splurge a little and be right where the actions are. Check their website for details.



Garden Room


The Business Table



美麗的玻璃房,灑滿陽光的露臺,洋溢著芬芳的香草花園,新鮮自然的美食,溫馨的服務…所有的這些都讓人很難不愛 Restaurant De Kas。相比之下,一開始對開胃菜的小小失望顯得微不足道,早就被我拋到雲霄外了。


Gorgeous glass house, sunny patio, fragrant herb garden…it’s hard not to fall in love with Restaurant De Kas despite its somewhat disappointing appetizers.



Restaurant De Kas


Restaurant De Kas




阿姆斯特丹  Restaurant De Kas

地址:Kamerlingh Onneslaan 3, 1097 DE Amsterdam
電話:+31 20 462 45 62      
營業時間:[午餐] 12:00pm ~2:00pm [晚餐] 6:30pm~10:00pm (週日休)
價位:[午餐] €37.50/兩道式 [晚餐] €49.50/三道式



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