穿搭這個詞人人都明白,但你有想過利用色塊的拼接,讓街景成為穿搭的一部分、讓穿搭成為街景最亮眼的一抹色彩嗎?一起來看看建築師 Monling Lee 如何玩色華盛頓 D.C.。

來自台灣、目前居住在華盛頓 D.C 的建築師 Monling Lee,在部落格 Color Index 中用色塊堆疊的建築美學架構起她配色獨特的穿搭美感。

Borin in Taiwan and grew up in Maryland, the Washington D.C. based fashion blogger and architect Monling Lee shares her unique and vibrant colorblocking style in striking combinations in her blog Color Index

從 Monling Lee 的鏡頭望出去,各種不同色塊堆疊在看似不規則中總有獨樹一格的秩序,是一點都不眼花繚亂的精細講究。在她手上色彩搭配沒有規則限定,衣櫃沒有黑色單品的她,大力擁抱的是各色繽紛,鮮明的朱紅、桃紅、磚紅、血橙、鮮黃、果綠、寶藍、亮紫都可以穿出美感。

身為建築師和城市設計師的她對建築美感特別敏銳,不論是街頭塗鴉或是廢棄鐵皮屋,襯上她鮮豔大膽的色塊搭配以及多層次堆疊。映入眼簾的不只是 Monling Lee 她視覺強烈的穿搭,還有華盛頓 D.C 繽紛的街角風情。J.Crew 是她私心最愛的品牌之一,質感好剪裁佳,讓她的服裝在色彩鮮豔之餘依舊俐落大方。


“Anything-but-black is the New Black”

As an architectural and urban designer, Monling Lee explores colors on the street and personal style. Believing in the philosophy of "anything-but-black is the new black," Lee commits to an outfit of more than 3 bold colors. Yet, she still manages to look sophisticated! About her shopping secret, J.Crew is one of her favorite brands. Their high quality makes her outfit refined and sharp. 

每次瀏覽 Monling Lee 的穿搭誌,她鮮明撞色的時尚穿搭總讓我流連忘返。她 Instagram 照片記錄多用 #colorindex 捕捉生活中的小細節,穿搭、建築物、街角牆面、市容景觀等都各自鮮明繽紛,色彩豐富極了。 

With her unique hyper-saturated colorblocking style and the stunning urban backdrops in Washington, D.C., Lee's fashion photography is never color-shy. Her fashion blog always inspires me with her one of a kind style aesthetic. In addition, I'm also drawn to her Instagram feed a lot. You could follow her use of color, colorful industrial environment and her perspective on individual style with hashtag #colorindex.