說到秋天,你最先想到哪些顏色?心情跟衣櫃一起換季,聽聽新作者 you are what you wear 盤點衣櫃換季的秋日。波士頓的氣候下探 15ºC,正是米膚、金褐、酒紅等秋日顏色當道的時節。

Fall Wardrobe Colors & Staples 秋季衣櫃顏色和單品們。隨著波士頓的氣溫下探到15ºC左右,秋天正式來臨。打開我的衣櫃,迫不及待跳出的是各式米膚金褐酒紅等秋日的顏色。

As the temperature descends to 62ºF in Boston, the autumn has officially approached to the city and my wardrobe. Now, my wardrobe is filled with the fall hues such as almond, camel and light brown.

|關於秋天的衣櫃 | 

Fall Wardrobe Colors 我的秋日衣櫃單品們。當初秋來臨,暖暖米金色的針織毛帽和裸膚色的劍橋包,就像輕柔撫面的涼爽秋日涼風;戴上一副栗色玳瑁太陽眼鏡,偏圓的鏡框是恰到好處的復古份量。出門需披上經典卡其色的風衣外套踏著豹紋的尖頭樂福鞋,一腳踩進厚厚的落葉堆;在家則裹著淺膚色的粗麻花針織毛衣,啜飲熱熱的紅茶。


|Fall Wardrobe Colors|

Fall wardrobe colors are all about the earthy tone. When the early autumn is upon us and the air is slightly wild with leaves, a golden beige beanie and the nude Cambridge Satchel are perfect for outing. In addition, a khaki trench coat never goes out of style. Wrapping myself up in a trench coat help me be ready for the cold weather. Also, call up a vintage retro tan tortoise round sunglasses for active autumn duty. In terms of footwear, a pair of leopard loafers is not only chic and comfortable, but also dress up an outfit. Moreover, comfy and chunky sweaters are so fall. Knits in off-white or cream are the perfect cozy at-home wear. 

Lastly, when the late fall is here, update the wardrobe with a burgundy red beret and crimson nail polish. Adding dark brown hue such as a Cambridge Satchel complement the fall wardrobe colors and prepare for the chilly winter.