
還記得蜜雪兒歐巴馬嗎? 她是美國前第一夫人,她在 2016 年 7 月 25 日在美國民主黨大會發表演講支持希拉蕊柯林頓代表民主黨競選總統。這一場感人的演講獲得極大迴響,蜜雪兒歐巴馬以母親的身分,分享她期待甚麼樣的國家領導人來為女兒創造未來。希平方帶大家來回顧這位當時聲勢極高的前第一夫人。


她在演講中指出:「With every word we utter, with every action we take, we know our kids are watching us. We as parents are their most important role models. And let me tell you, Barack and I take that same approach to our jobs as president and first lady because we know that our words and actions matter, not just to our girls, but to children across this country. (我們說的每句話、我們的每個舉止,我們知道孩子都在看著我們。我們身為父母是孩子最重要的榜樣。而我告訴你們大家,巴拉克和我對身為總統和第一夫人的職責抱持相同態度,因為我們知道自己的言行很重要,不只有對我們的女兒而已,還有對全國的孩子們來說都很重要。)」



Words and actions matter. → 言行很重要。

例句:Be careful how you act around others. Your words and actions matter.

When they go low, we go high. → 他們自甘墮落,我們不同流合污。
例句:Don’t waste your time with bullies. Just remember, when they go low, we go high.    (不要和霸凌者浪費你的時間。只要記住,他們自甘墮落,我們不同流合汙。)


talk about → 談論

例句:Let’s talk about John.
(讓我們談談 John。)

be qualified to do something → 勝任能做某事、有資格做某事

例句:We hired John because he is qualified to do the job.
(我們雇用 John 因為他能勝任這份工作。)

act like someone → 表現得像某人

例句:He acts like a professional and knows how to deal well with difficult clients.

stoop to someone’s level → 降低格調到某人的水平

例句:Even when clients are unreasonable, he never stoops to their level.

either A or B → 不是 A 就是 B、A 或 B

例句:He either listens to their ideas or convinces them to think differently.

on behalf of → 代表

例句:On behalf of the entire department, let’s welcome John to the team!
(代表整個部門,讓我們歡迎 John 來到小組!)