
週末 1/21 美國總統就職典禮,同時華府湧現 50 萬人潮,並且從歐洲到澳洲,全球 500 萬人在各地集會參與,改寫美國總統就職史上示威規模最大的紀錄。



Gender equality not only liberates women but also men from prescribed gender stereotypes. 

(Photo by Michael Dumler)

 We're never, ever, ever going to be able to fly as high unless we're both in support of each other. 

(Photo by Michael Dumler)

“You’re not gonna get rid of me until I get to see an equal number of female prime ministers and presidents and CEOs, and more men that feel like it’s okay to express how they really feel about things. And more fathers that are present in their children’s lives. And until I see us all not policing and oppressing each other and not ostracizing each other. And when I live in a world where this isn’t a narrowly defined definition of masculinity and femininity. I’m just not gonna go.’”

(Photo by AP photo)

因為期待兩性平等性別自由,艾瑪華森關注「女性主體性」,走上街頭前她特別在自己的臉書與推特分享“#IStandWithPP Why the fight for reproductive rights goes on”,並且分享了衛報的女性生育權專文報導,她倡議生育自主權,認為我們應該更關注忽視女性墮胎權的衛生環境,以及拿回女人決定自己產道的自由。